Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wonderwalls & other Adventures

Landscape photographers and street photographers are typically two very different breeds of person.  

A landscape photographer may spend 30 minutes on a single shot, perfecting the angle and composition, adjusting settings or the classic "just waiting for the light".   They carry around bags of kit, including all sorts of fancy kit such as timers, filters, spirit levels, thingy-whatsits and so on. I should know, I am one.

A street photographer is usually seen walking, jogging, tip-going, climbing or pretending to be a statue in some trendy or down-trodden part of the city harassing pedestrians and looking generally suspicious, whilst snapping away on a very expensive camera with a fixed lens.  They won't carry a bag although often their pockets are filled with spare lenses and other expensive kit that probably should be treated more respectably. But hey, it's about being in the moment right? A rebel photographer with or without a cause! I should know, I am one.

Or am I neither, I sometimes like think of myself as a 'road-trip photographer'.  I see landscapes in the urban jungle and I snap fleeting moments in nature. Well that's how I feel anyhow, you can make up your own mind about my images!

So the series you see here is a road-trip set from a recent adventure.  The idea was to get up early and catch dawn on the beach before getting a head-start on the traffic and heading down to Wollongong to capture the Wonderwalls street-art festival.

Sadly, torrential rain haunted us all day, and while we caught a stunning dawn (well stunning for a few brief moments before being intermittently threatening and dull grey the rest of the time) the rain did it's best to soak us and grey out all our efforts all day.

Lets just say many hot coffees and chai lattes were consumed in the making of this series! But having to walk the line between waging a war with the elements and becoming one with them, reminded me of the fun that can be had in taking photos and we managed to have a blast!

Also much respect to all of the artists most of whom were out in the torrential rain working on their creations as we photographed them.